What is this?

Hi! This is the email sign up for posts from my website Fujichia.com. This (fujichia.substack.com) is NOT the website, this is here so people can get new posts on the website delivered to their email inbox soon after they’re posted. It’s free to sign up, but there’s also a payment option, for people that just want to pay money. If you sign up for other professional email newsletters, please consider paying the maximum amount and charging it to your work account. They’ll never find out. Again, both the paid and free versions of this email newsletter are exactly the same. There’s new posts every week, on Tuesdays, but sometimes I don’t send the email out until Wednesday, that’s life baby.

Subscribe to Fujichia

it's a small but lively castle


this is the email delivery mechanism for my blog, which is at Fujichia.com